Packing Up!


The move is in full swing now. Once we started taking pictures off the wall, giving away our house plants, and putting stuff into boxes, we knew there was no turning back! The movers are scheduled, dates are set, and goodbyes have already begun.

We’re so thankful for how clearly the Lord has led in this decision because it makes this whole process so much easier. And once we’re in our new home, in an unfamiliar city, and everything we’ve always known is suddenly 2,000 miles away, that will continue to be a comfort, knowing He’s directed our steps.

Since this move involves packing up our home and our business, beginning August 19th, orders can still be placed, but we will not be fulfilling any orders until the last week of September.

Thanks for your understanding, your support, and all of your kind encouragement as we prepare to make this huge transition. As always, we love to hear from you so if you have any questions or want to reach out, please do!

LifeChris WrightComment