One of the things we have loved the most over the years since starting Hand Lettering Co. has been making new friends. Some of these new friends have come seemingly out of the blue, but this has added to it being even more clear that they're led into our lives in God's own kind sovereignty. He has brought people who have encouraged, blessed, and spurred us on not only in our work, but more importantly, in our walk with Jesus. We are grateful!
Earlier this year the Lord brought a couple such blessings from Raleigh, NC, then Vancouver, BC and today he did it again, this time from Ferrara, Italy. Each time what we expected to be more of a hangout with strangers, turned into sweet fellowship and true friendship. We are so grateful for God's kindness to us in how He has chosen to use this little business of ours to connect us with such dear brothers and sisters from around the world!