Hebrews 4:12




The Sword of God’s Word

Words can do things. On a good day just two words from me can turn the chaos of our children’s playroom into order. But not only can words command, they can excite, make a person cry or laugh, pronounce two people to be man and wife or even start a war. Words can accomplish a tremendous amount.

How much more God’s Word!

It’s something that will not remain neutral in your contact with it. It will act, it will accomplish what God wants and will have an effect whether you like it or not. It will result either in blessing or judgment for you. But either way it has an effect.

Keep reading [God’s Word] regularly, even when there are no particular spiritual responses. You will be stocking up your memory with Scripture…. and in this way you will get the sort of exposure to the Bible that enables you to come not to master it but to be mastered by it, not to judge and criticize it but to let it judge and criticize you. By itself the privilege of close contact with God’s Word is no guarantee of blessing; what is needed is a continuous exposure of the heart to it and a continuous response of faith.

In a sinful world God’s Word, in whatever way it comes to you, whether you interact with it by yourself or whether it is brought to you by another, can be painful. The Bible can be a painful book. Yet the sword of God’s Word uncovers your sin in order to point you to the One who bore God’s sword of judgment against sin, to the One whose sprinkled blood speaks more graciously than the blood of Abel and who has been exalted to heaven as your merciful high priest. To experience the Bible working in your life in this way is to become someone who knows genuinely and from the heart what the writer to the Hebrews is talking about when in 6:5 he speaks of tasting the goodness of the Word of God.

- Andrew T. Lincoln


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