Hand Lettering Co's Little Sister

Some of you may know that last year around this time we launched a Kickstarter campaign to purchase our own laser engraving machine. We were so thankful for its success and have with it have been able to greatly expand Hand Lettering Co.'s product line. 

What many of you don't know is that behind the scenes, the machine has been put to work for various personal projects, including getting to be a part of some friends' weddings, baby showers, and other special events. 

In stepping out into this new world of relying solely on our own business, we have had to get a bit creative in paying our bills! The great response from the aforementioned personal projects sparked the idea for another side business that utilizes this great machine we are thankful own and have at our disposal! 

So, HLCO Laser Studio was born and we are preparing the website for launch asap! Here is a sneak peek into some of what we've been working on:

In these days of unknown, there is such a mix of excitement, thankfulness, and anxiety! But God has been faithfully training us through it: teaching us to be joyful, to give thanks, and to trust Him even in the uncertainty and waiting. He is ever-faithful!