A Fresh Start


Spring is in the air here in Louisville and we’re pretty excited for it! Not only do we love seeing the beginnings of fresh flowers popping up all over the place and buds on the tree branches preparing to sprout new green leaves, but it also kind of feels like the beginning of the new year for us here in the Wright household.

We were excited for January 1st, but the year didn’t kick off quite the way we had pictured. It was off to a fine start, but the end of January brought with it a trip to visit family and friends in California and simultaneously an intense run-in with the flu that knocked us off our feet one by one. With migraines, a trip to urgent care, among other things, all of our plans for the trip as well as for the new year came to a very fast halt as we couldn’t do much of anything other than lay on the couch, take care of each other, and try to stay home so as not to share what we had with anyone else.

In the moment we could say with our mouths “God is sovereign, He’s in control, this is for our good.” But our hearts weren’t so quick to believe and rejoice in that truth.

Now on the other side of a very long month of February and all of us feeling 98% recovered, God’s done (and continues to do) quite a lot of soul-work in us that has us more sure of those truths than before. We can see so much more clearly that while we had pictured sunny days on a California beach, God’s plans for us were to sanctify us, show us more of our sin, our need of Him, and the beauties of His great grace and love for us. And how much sweeter is learning to rest in His love than to just rest on the beach for a week? Both are great things, but one has eternal value while the other is so momentary.

So here we are at the beginning of March, thankful for the start of spring and the sunshine outside as well as for the fresh opportunity to start the “new” year. We have lots of fun plans for Scripture Type and we’re excited to get things rolling again. However, we’d ask for your prayers if you think of it. In the midst of Chris’ full-time job, homeschooling the kids, our commitments and community-life within the church, among other things, we need to be so disciplined with our time to prioritize rightly.

One really exciting thing that happened in January is a new friend moved in with us. He came to Louisville to attend Southern Seminary (5 minutes from our house) and we met him through a mutual friend (the owner of Paul’s Leather Co.) and he now lives in an apartment above our garage. He’s also become the first real part-time employee Scripture Type has ever had! His name is Jacob, he’s awesome and you can learn more about him here.