Treasure the Word


Happy New Year, Friends!

In the Wright household, we get pretty excited when a new year rolls around. It's a clean slate for new ideas, plans, and goals. After an incredibly busy November and December, these first days of 2018 have been a welcomed change of pace as we get back on a normal routine and re-assess our priorities and goals for our personal lives, as well as for Scripture Type. 

We've recently been discussing a couple new ideas for the direction to take Scripture Type, one of which actually takes us back to our roots. When we first started Scripture Type, it wasn't with a goal to start a business. The primary goal was a personal one - to draw one Bible verse each week for my own personal meditation and memorization of it. I began sharing the designs online in hopes it might encourage others to do the same. 

Memorization of Scripture is one of those things that we don't hear talked about all that often. But, it's such an important discipline that we don't want to neglect. So, we decided to return to the practice of creating a new Scripture design each week and, as a family, focus on memorizing that particular Scripture throughout the week. 

We invite you to join us!

You'll notice that our Freely Given resources and social media posts will primarily be centered around the verse that we are memorizing for that week. At the end of the year, we would love to be able to look back and recall over 50 new verses that have been hidden in our hearts! 

Your word I have treasured in my heart,
That I may not sin against You. - Psalm 119:11