Life Lessons


A new year is here and it seems we’re walking into a year of many changes and unknowns. It’s funny how in life it often feels like once [fill in the blank] happens, things will settle down. But you would think that since that’s proven not to be the case enough times over the years, we’d stop thinking that! Once that “thing” happens, there’s always something else and ultimately, it’s all of those things that keep us walking in dependence upon God as we should. We are always dependent, but the unknowns and the trials keep us fully aware of that reality.

We received our first foster placement into our home last September and it has been quite an adjustment. Having a toddler in our home again after we’d been out of that stage for some time has been craaaazy! Didn’t realize how out of that stage we really were until we were back in it again (i.e. I didn’t bring snacks and wet wipes everywhere I went and ended up relying on friends for those things for awhile until I got back into the routine of remembering that stuff 😆). The little guy that God’s sovereignly placed in our home is a handful, but has also brought a lot of fun and laughs too. He’s been through a lot in his little life and we still don’t know what the future holds for him, but we know what we’re called to every day and that’s to love and care for him while he’s in our home.

Around the same time, a lot started changing with Chris’ full-time job. He’s always worked a full-time job while Scripture Type has been on the side, putting in whatever time is left over. However, with these recent changes, he has a lot more time to invest in Scripture Type and we don’t know yet if that will mean a transition to Scripture Type being full-time but that’s what we’re working toward at this point. Chris has so many ideas for Scripture Type that he’s never really had the time to work on, so it’s an exciting unknown to invest more time into some of these projects and see what will happen! God has always been so faithful to us through job changes and we know He will continue to be, whatever that may look like.

These bigger unknowns, among the smaller ones that are just part of life (like the laser breaking and a leaky basement), have kept us so aware of our dependence on God and what a good Father He is, walking with us through every changing season of life. The unknowns and even the trials don’t have to be obstacles to get past. Instead, we’re learning to see them as part of the adventure He has us on as we journey toward an eternity with Him.

“I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages.” - Charles Spurgeon

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